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Mapping My Final Year 

At the beginning of my degree year I was experiment with filmmaking within the context of landscape and place, I deliberately didn't let myself be restricted to one site in Scotland as a but a big part of my development process was about letting the atmosphere of each individual place influence the feel of the final film. I was inspired by Ilana Halperin's hand drawn floor plan on her website, each room becomes a link to a different artwork, to create my own map. 

My map brings together my experiences of my last year through a drawing of Scotland and icons. These icons are links to films, drawings and the pewter sculptures depending on what I created at that site. Up to this point I had looked at the year in terms of broadening my knowledge of filmmaking alongside my understanding of Scotland’s landscapes and I think the map is an effective way of encapsulating this in one realised piece. I want the viewer to be able to explore these places visually and build up their own journey. 

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